images are everything...
Pylon Productions, Inc. is a full service interactive multimedia production company based in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. We just moved from Atlanta, and are looking to find job opportunities. Our professionalism drives and executes all aspects of creative communication through imaginative projects from video to multimedia and print production.
Through close, strategic relationships with industry professionals, Pylon is experienced enough to completely manage the diverse needs of large companies, yet remains intimately involved enough that you can speak with the owner on a day to day basis. At Pylon, we do not believe in farming out projects to unknown vendors, leaving clients at risk for inconsistent results. Instead, we have built close relationships with talented professionals who share our team's commitment to delivering the highest quality products using the latest cutting-edge tools to merge your style with Pylon's artistic and professional approach.
Through strategic planning and consultation, Pylon works closely with our clients to set and reach the specific goals and objectives initially brought to our table.
Office) 770-425-4245
Mobile) 404-735-227
Email) pylonpro@gmail.com